Message sent to all Spring 2023 Instructional Staff on March 9, 2023.

Mid-Semester Evals


Dear faculty and instructional staff:

During the pandemic, the Provost implemented mid-semester formative course assessments as one means to gauge student learning at a very challenging time for both students and faculty. The practice has remained in place since that time, but will not continue after the spring 2023 iteration.

This last round of formative course assessments is currently underway and will close on March 10th. These formative course assessments have been administered for the purpose of course development. As such, summaries will only be shared with the course instructor, and not with department chairs or senior leaders. The results are also kept separate from end of term course evaluations that are part of merit, promotion, and tenure processes. To that end, they will not be loaded in the Lyterati system or mingled in any other way with course evaluation data.

For faculty who would like to collect feedback from their students during early stages of their courses, the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning has several sample forms that can be used as a template for your own course. The Instructional Technology team can provide guidance on customizing this form to your course(s) and how to distribute this form electronically to your students.


Terry-Ann Jones, Deputy Provost for Undergraduate Education
Jackie Krasas, Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs
Yenny Anderson, Vice Provost for Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics
Peggy Kane, Director, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning