In the service of supporting strategic planning, OID is committed to providing institutional data and analysis support for Lehigh stakeholders. We receive a variety of requests and do our best to accommodate as many as can be managed alongside our regular responsibilities. To optimize our ability to respond to requests, we have created a form to gather the information we need to address them. 

Upon submitting the form, you will receive a copy of your responses via email. You can expect one of us to be in touch within 2 business days to confirm receipt of your request, although we ask for 2 weeks to fulfill most requests.

An important note on data requests: Before submitting a request for data, please first visit our Data Center to see if the data you are seeking are already available there. OID provides historical data from past semesters and current data for reporting to external organizations. If you need student or course information for the current semester, please contact Registration & Academic Services.

If you have a request regarding course evaluations, please email