Instructors have the option to add custom questions to the set of core questions asked on the course evaluation forms. This allows them to gather targeted feedback from their students regarding their experience in the course. In past semesters, instructors have added custom questions on many topics: course content and learning outcomes, choice of textbook or course material, diversity and inclusion, course workload and difficulty, etc.

Starting in Fall 2023, instructors are able to add custom questions to their course evaluation forms directly into Lehigh’s Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES) portal, and no longer need to contact the Office of Institutional Data (OID) to request for custom questions to be added on their behalf. Please note that custom questions can only be entered towards the end of the semester, after course evaluation data has been uploaded to the portal and before course evaluations open.

Below are resources that are designed to help instructors add custom questions to their course evaluation forms in the CES portal.

Instructors who prefer for an OID staff member to enter custom questions on their behalf can reach out to our office at