Lehigh's data governance structure is built upon the foundation of Data Stewardship and two formal Data Governance committees charged with advancing our data governance initiatives. 

Our Data Stewardship roles create formal accountability for data governance responsibilities. Everyone at Lehigh has a role to play in protecting our data, which is a valuable asset. Beginning with Data Users, anyone who has access to University data has a responsibility to abide by our policies regarding the appropriate management of data. There are also roles assigned to specific positions both at an operational level (Data Managers) and a policy and planning level (Data Stewards) within the University.

Two Data Governance committees are the other aspect of Lehigh's data governance structure.

The Data Governance Executive Committee (DGEC) provides oversight and guidance to ensure that our data governance efforts are moving forward. This committee is composed of senior administrative leaders and faculty members from each College. The DGEC meets once per semester to discuss data management strategies and issues from a high level perspective to inform the work of the Data Governance and Standards Committee.

The Data Governance and Standards Committee (DGSC) reports to the DGEC and works collectively on data management issues affecting the University as a whole. The committee is made up of representatives from functional and technical units who have a vested interest in the success of Lehigh's Data Governance program. View our current membership here. The DGSC takes on projects that often have widespread downstream impacts. The goal of this committee is to come together to discuss proposed changes in order to inform those who may be affected. Learn more about the DGSC's past and current projects here.