The OID Data Center is home to current and archival information about Lehigh University. General information is available in the University Profile and Common Data Set. The Admissions, Enrollment, Graduation & Retention, and Faculty & Staff pages each contain dashboards displaying data for relevant metrics. Overviews of responses to surveys are available on the Survey Data page. Finally, additional dashboards and metrics are housed in the Institutional Data Portal ( for authorized users.
The data we compile each year appear throughout the university in a variety of familiar formats, including Lehigh at a Glance and the Undergraduate Admissions Class Profile, both of which are used in Lehigh marketing and recruitment efforts. OID also provides data and dashboard development to support the Inspiring the Future Makers Strategy and the DI&E Goals and Progress Measures.
Requests for data not already housed in the OID Data Center can be made by visiting our Make a Request page.