2025 Graduate Cohort

Graduate students earning a master's or doctoral degree in August 2024January 2025, or May 2025, please follow this link to complete the Graduate Next Destination Survey: Lehigh.edu/go/grad2025plans (https://lehigh.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6P64Y6JBFfEiMse).

If you are a graduate student earning your degree in a term other than those listed above, please contact inoirsur@lehigh.edu.

We would also like to share that as a Lehigh alum, you have continued access to career resources through the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) to empower you to leverage your skills and experience as you advance in your career. To move forward in your career planning, we encourage you to take advantage of the many career resources available to you. 


About the Graduate Next Destination Survey

If you are earning a master's or doctoral degree, you are encouraged to participate in the Graduate Next Destination Survey. The primary purpose of this brief survey (about 5 minutes or less) is to gather information about your plans after graduation. Your responses are essential in helping Lehigh to continue to provide leading edge academic programs and support for students as well as strengthen our position in the global marketplace. This information will benefit current and future graduate students as well as the University because it:

  • Contributes to Lehigh’s rankings by organizations that employers follow such as U.S. News & World Report, QS World University Rankings, and Peterson’s.
  • Influences which universities employers include on their top list for talent management and recruiting.
  • Encourages current and future students to choose Lehigh, expanding the network of Lehigh alumni.
  • Enables Lehigh’s departments and programs to make improvements and be relevant to marketplace and institutional needs, improving their effectiveness and reputation.

To learn more about how this information is used, see the Graduate Next Destination Report shared here.

As an Official Lehigh Survey, this survey is administered by the Office of Institutional Data with the primary goal of sharing responses with University leadership and administration to inform their decision-making. Individual-level data will only be shared with University personnel who are pledged to protect the identity of respondents. Reports of responses shared more widely will be aggregate-level summaries that do not contain any identifiable information.